jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Start up Chile

Vivek Wadhwa, es un guru académico que colabora con Berkeley, Harvard Law School y dirige el Research lab de Duke University para Entrepreneurship.

Gracias a mi amiga Angelika Bledstrup que es su colega en Berkeley, hace un par de días recibí el correo adjunto, sobre un artículo publicado por él en el Washington Post sobre la situación que viven los empresarios españoles, que os aconsejo leer: antes del link al artículo, incluyo el texto de su email, para que veais que no estaba comodo al relatar su experiencia.

La iniciativa que relata, "Chile Start-up", para fomentar la emprendituría es verdaderamente ilusionante y los resultados conseguidos hasta hoy, impresionantes.

Tenía razón Vivek: el capital riesgo va donde hay innovación y empresarios y en Santiago ya hay dos más.

Aqui va el link al programa.


Lo que más me gusta es que la iniciativa está abierta a todos los empresarios del mundo que quieran desarrollar su sueño allí.

Abramos las redes.

Abrámoslas de verdad.

----- Forwarded Message
From: Vivek Wadhwa <vivek@wadhwa.com>
Reply-To: <vivek@wadhwa.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:58:30 -0700
To: <wadhwa@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Washington Post: What Spain could learn from its former colony

Here is my “trip report” from Spain. In both Bilbao and Madrid, the locals went out of their way to be great hosts. I was hesitant to write this because I was afraid that I would offend my new friends. Except, everyone encouraged me to write this and be as blunt as possible (they had no idea what this means). The Spaniards are really worried about their country and want to spark more debate. They talked about Franco-era regulations still holding back economic growth.
I am looking forward to meeting my entrepreneur friends in Beijing and interacting with the students. When I taught at Tsinghua last November, I was blown away with how similar the student were to those in the U.S.: the same aspirations, ambitions, and irreverence. These students are much different than the older generation of Chinese. Hopefully, they will make a positive impact. Here is a piece I wrote about how America’s stupid immigration policies are giving China an even greater advantage: The Stanford Boys (and Girls) club - In Beijing <http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/09/the-stanford-boys-and-girls-club—in-beijing> .

Not sure if I’ll be Tweeting from China. They block this. Last time, I had students connect me to a VPN to get around the Great Chinese Firewall.




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